December 20, 2023 by CLC
CEO Members of the Climate Leaders Coalition Share Experience and Insights as Business Accelerate its Push Towards a Decarbonised Future
CLC member learnings and resources relating to a Credible Transition to Net Zero, Scope 3 Emission Reduction and Nature, made available to the broader business community to support and accelerate their own transition.
In the final days of COP28, US climate envoy John Kerry emphasised the criticality of a ‘roadmap of collaboration and sharing and building on all of our strengths.’
They are the same three principles through which the Australian Climate Leaders Coalition has been developed.
By overcoming competitive dynamics and holding themselves to a standard of doing rather than talking, CEO members have demonstrated that determination and unity sits at the heart of an accelerated emission reduction.
Their work has extended beyond their organisations and supply chains too. By sharing learnings and resources relating to Scope 3, Nature, and a Credible Transition with the broader business community, they are supporting the acceleration of climate ambitions of a far-reaching stakeholder group, in Australia and beyond.
COP28 is a place to listen, learn and to share ideas. When CEO members of the CLC spoke at one of the opening sessions last week, collaboration was the thread that connected their conversation with a diverse and dynamic series of discussions elsewhere.
Please try to find 45 mins in your week to watch that session and to see what collaborative learning and action is capable of.